Saturday, June 9, 2012

Fish Art

I got a chipped nail D: Well, one already chipped, but the other chipped today. Both were the Ulta3 Pacific Fever, which is making me think it's either this particular bottle (as I've never had problems with my other Ulta3 bottles), my top coat or I've been treating my nails absolutely horribly (which I haven't).

I'm taking the chance to do some nail art with brushes now, but wielding them with my left hand, so the art came out dodgy, but not too dodgy. A bit thick, but I do like it :)
The sun didn't want to come out and play D:
 In case you can't tell (which you probably can't), I did do some "string manicure", inspired by A Nail Polish Addict's Jubilee Mani. Can't really see much of it anymore, which is a pity, because it looked really nice, albeit a bit messy because it was left hand. I didn't do my left hand because I didn't want my skin peeling off like it did on my right. Really should get better nail polish remover...

From L-R: Cutex 2in1 Base Coat, Orly Aspen, Borghese Rapido Menta, Borghese Rapido Marino, Ulta3 Pacific Fever, Ulta3 Poppy, Ulta3 Confetti and Beauty Style Petite (silver). My apologies about the stuff in the background. It's all my mess, and my mum despairs that I will ever clean it up.
<3 Wednesday

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